To carry out different projects in Sindhudurg District and bring awareness in the field of education, agriculture and business.
To develop business from the available resources for their livelihood.
To educate and train the younger generation in the district itself for higher education, so as to prevent the adverse effects of migration.
To promote and bring awareness among the people of the region regarding various Government Schemes that are useful to them.
To shape the career of needy students by giving them facility in the form of Scholarships and further provide guidance regarding Vocational Courses and Competitive Exams.
To encourage modernization in farming and focusing them on the benefits of collective farming
To undertake subscription, contribution and/or donation to any public charitable Trusts or Funds or institutions for promotion of the objectives of Sawant Foundation.
To organize and hold lectures, seminars, exhibitions, workshops, camps, gatherings in fulfillment of the objectives.
To publish and distribute magazines, booklets, leaflets, digests, papers etc. for sharing and promoting knowledge to the people from diverse fields.
To promote welfare and upliftment of rural areas and people in rural areas with reference to social economic welfare and/or development either directly or through any agency or in any manner whatsoever.
To promote sports by lending various facilities and supporting, organizing games etc.
To undertake all such other actions , as may appear to the TRUSTEES to be in the best interest and to the best advantage of public, but consistent with and in furtherance of the objects set out herein and in accordance with provisions of these presents, provided always also without prejudice to generality of the foregoing objectives that the help to be given under any of the foregoing heads wherever the case admits may be given either in the way of pecuniary payments or goods or things or the supply or distribution of goods , clothes or medical relief or in any manner which the TRUSTEES may consider desirable.
Setting up establishment, acquisition, maintenance and support of hospitals of other institutions such as nursing homes, dispensaries, clinics, nature cure centers, sanatorium , yoga centers , laboratories , research centers, diagnostic centers, preventive health care centers, convalescent homes, asylums, medical college, paramedical centers and other public institution for administrating medical relief to the needy persons of any gender, age, caste and community.
Endowments to and help or support to hospitals, maternity homes, nursing homes, clinics, sanatoriums and dispensaries and other medical institutions or any other person / individual in need.
Grant of medical help to poor and to deserving persons during epidemics like famine, drought, flood, earthquake or any unforeseen natural calamity , war or warlike operations , civil commotion, riots etc.
Development of Institutions and centers carrying out basic or fundamental or applied research and scientific work in connection with or relating to medical , surgical and socio-medical matters, human ailments and sufferings.
Establishment and/or acquisition and maintenance or support of Schools, Colleges, Vidyapeeth, Bal Mandirs, Bal Wadis, study centers, university, boys and girls hostels and institutions imparting education, skills and training of students.
Promoting and encouraging the spread of education by providing assistance to poor and needy students by way of scholarships , tuition fees, boarding and lodging expenses and other like expenses education.
Establishment and support of Professorships, fellowships, Lectureships, scholarships and prizes in schools, colleges and educational institutions.
Establishment, maintenance and/or support for libraries, museums, archives, documentation ( including audio and video/visual records ) and reading rooms for advancement of education and knowledge in general.
Carrying on or supporting anthropological , sociological ,cultural ,and historical studies and research.
Monetary support, free food and/or clothing or providing shelter to the poor and needy in calamities like drought, flood, earthquake etc.
Setting up or helping by way of endowments or otherwise orphanage or poor houses for the benefit of orphans, widow crippled with no tangible income, destitute and such deserving persons.
Establishment, maintenance and support of old age homes/Vriddhaashrams and/ or Rest Houses for old aged poor and needy people.
Construction, establishment, setting up and/or acquisition and maintenance or support of dharamshalas at various places for the poor and needy people.
Establishing or rendering help to any institutions or individual for alleviation of human suffering.
Relief of distress caused by scarcity, drought, famine, flood, fire, earthquake and any such unforeseen calamities and also relief for distress war or warlike operations, civil commotion, riots etc.
To discourage superstition, blind beliefs by organizing skits, street plays, dramas etc.
To discourage unethical practices and propagandas or misleading and inaccurate claims and advertisements.
To support and conduct seminars, workshops, gatherings, get together functions etc. of all trustees and their families to discuss, analyse and solve problems related to financial, educational or social nature.
To organize and perform social functions, festivals, utsavas and religious worships and pooja of idols, pictures and padukas of Hindu Gods and Goddesses including Kuldevata of Trustee Members.
To utilize the resources of the trust movable or immovable, tangible or intangible for earning revenues to be utilized for the benefit of Foundation.